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Where There’s A Will – Laurel & Hardy


Modern Home Movies presents “Where There’s A Will” (Lauren and Hardy) black and white 400ft film with sound. Jimmy Finlayson, with a glint in his eye, hoodwinks the boys and “takes them for a ride”. In between making fools of themselves in scene after scene of hilarious comedy, the boys take time out for a song.

1 in stock

Additional information

Modern Home Movies presents “Where There’s A Will” (Lauren and Hardy) black and white 400ft film with sound.

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 18 × 18 × 1.5 cm
Colour / Black & white

Black & white

Silent or sound

Magnetic sound

Film length

400 ft / approx. 30 minutes

Box condition

Good print colour but poor edges and lost rigidity

Film condition

Very good – No splices or burnt frames.