We always capture audio in the most direct way of doing so, minimising the amount of devices/conversions the audio signal takes to reach the final file.
For example, a DAT tape is a Digital Audio Tape, therefore the data on the tape is already digital. For that reason we would capture the DAT tape in a pure digital workflow including digital cables/connections. This preserves the original recording quality and giving a 100% accurate “like for like” copy of the original.
We also use the best quality cables and interfaces available. For old analogue equipment we connect these to modern computers via a separate Analogue/Digital IO interfaces, sometimes via a pre-amp depending on the equipment type.
Digital recordings are usually passed straight through to a final file without any editing (except when you wish for us to divide a single track into multiple files), whereas analogue captures are cleaned up and levelled in Logic Pro before being output into a final file. If you are an audio professional and looking to re-master a track we can provide completely raw and unedited captures.
Check out our Audio cassette, Micro audio cassette, 1/4 inch audio reel, LP/vinyl, DAT tape, and MiniDisc product pages for pricing and more information.