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Saturday by appointment

About our audio digitising

Why choose us to digitise your precious audio?

We always capture audio in the most direct way of doing so, minimising the amount of devices/conversions the audio signal takes to reach the final file.

For example, a DAT tape is a Digital Audio Tape, therefore the data on the tape is already digital. For that reason we would capture the DAT tape in a pure digital workflow including digital cables/connections. This preserves the original recording quality and giving a 100% accurate “like for like” copy of the original.

We also use the best quality cables and interfaces available. For old analogue equipment we connect these to modern computers via a separate Analogue/Digital IO interfaces, sometimes via a pre-amp depending on the equipment type.

Digital recordings are usually passed straight through to a final file without any editing (except when you wish for us to divide a single track into multiple files), whereas analogue captures are cleaned up and levelled in Logic Pro before being output into a final file. If you are an audio professional and looking to re-master a track we can provide completely raw and unedited captures.

Check out our Audio cassette, Micro audio cassette, 1/4 inch audio reel, LP/vinyl, DAT tape, and MiniDisc product pages for pricing and more information.