Welcome to our secure file upload area. To use this service please follow the instructions below…
- Complete the form, filling in your full address including the postcode, and selecting the number of copies required.
- Drag and drop (if using a PC/Mac) your files onto the window below, or press “Select files” (if using a mobile phone) to choose the images/videos you wish to send us.
- Click upload and then wait until all the videos have finished uploading BEFORE leaving this page or closing the window – Please scroll down to make sure all files have finished uploading before leaving this page. If successful, you will receive an automated email within 5 minutes confirming your files have been sent to us. Please check the link supplied carefully to make sure all the files have been uploaded. If you don’t receive a confirmation email then we have not received your files. If any files are missing or you don’t receive a confirmation email then contact info@phone2.co.uk.
- Once we have downloaded and processed your files, we will manually send you a link to pay via PayPal. This is usually within 48 hours during working days. Orders are usually leave us within 7-10 working days via Royal Mail 24 unless you need the order sooner and have selected a faster delivery option.
- If you are struggling to upload your files and check the following help pages or give us a call: Android users | iPhone users
£1 from every DVD/Blu-ray/USB ordered is donated to charities and good causes.
This service is powered by Phone2 Limited