In the last 5 years, we’ve donated in excess of £3,500.00 for charities and good causes, including ellenor, Air Ambulance Kent Surrey and Sussex, Help For Heros, Kent Sports Trust, Cancer Research, Mind, Freedom from Abuse CIC and EHMF.
Our studio has collection tins for 2 local charities, Air Ambulance Kent Surrey and Sussex, and Ellenor. Our customers have raised over £250.00 through tips and loose change through these collection tins.
Our mobile phone to DVD service, in partnership with Phone2, gives £1 for every sale to our chosen charitable organisation – EHMF (Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund). To date we have donated over £500.00.
We’re also happy to donate vouchers to local charity events – get in touch by calling 01474 569 390 or email for more information.